Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Some Protestants hold to a similar Catholic "faith plus works" salvation theology. Others believe that the Bible proclaims strictly Sola Fide("faith in Jesus Christ alone")-based salvation without works. There is a complementary Protestant doctrine that the Bible proclaims salvation by "grace alone" or Sola Gratia. Especially in some interpretations of Calvinism this is extended to mean that God saves people (or condemns them) by freely granting or withholding his grace.

the five solas are listed below:

Information obtained from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvation#Protestants, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_solas


David C said...

Although I already knew about Martin Luther's first three Solas before, I was surprised and intrigued that there were a fourth and a fifth Sola. Good job on your presentation today.

Kelly V said...

I was also very surprised to hear about the 4th and 5th Solas. I even asked my European History teacher about it during class today after hearing your presentation, and it led to a lively discussion.

Carah C. said...

I also already knew about Martin Luther's 3 solas, but I am wondering why the other 2 where left off, or less emphasized?

Shannon said...

It is the same for me. I had known about the first three, but it was very interesting to learn about the last two, as I had never heard of those before. It is interesting because the last two, that are not as widely know, do not begin with "sola", but something slightly different.

Kate said...

I knew about the first three Solas but I didn't know about the 4th or the 5th, that's pretty interesting.